MGMT616-23S1 (C) Semester One 2023


15 points

Start Date: Monday, 20 February 2023
End Date: Sunday, 25 June 2023
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 5 March 2023
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 14 May 2023


The course addresses the topic of leadership in relation to the responsibility of the leader towards various stakeholders (e.g. employees, shareholders, community, suppliers, and environment) in both national and international context. In the course we evaluate advanced leadership theory and build practical leadership capabilities.

This course investigates core leadership theories, including their development, measurement, and application to real world situations. This course will help you recognise leadership characteristics and contextual factors that contribute to effective leadership, and can help you diagnose leadership situations to make interventions.

Learning Philosophy: This course is a student-centered, not lecturer-centered, learning experience. What this means is that everyone – lecturers and students – needs to be an active participant in whatever is going on in class, and that we all are interconnected and responsible for facilitating learning. Class time involves discussions based on outside-of-class reading and assignments. In order for everyone to learn, please come prepared for class.

The estimated workload breakdown for MGMT616S1 is:
Lectures 24
Lecture Preparation 48
Assessments 78
Total 150 hours

Learning Outcomes

  • The objectives of the course are:

  • Critical understanding of theories and concepts of leadership in organizations

  • Develop critical reading skills for understanding and deconstructing academic journal articles

  • Design and deliver a persuasive seminar that models key leadership principles and practices that are covered in the first half of the course

  • Apply and extend theories of leadership in a contextualised case study

  • Design and implement a leadership research project


  • Explain how discourse such as narrative and materiality (including images) contribute to leadership and how these might vary across ages, gender and cultural groups in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Critically evaluate an example of leadership discourse.

    Learning Objectives, MCom

    The MCom learning goals are as follows:

    1. Graduates can demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of current theoretical concepts and frameworks within their major discipline.

    2. Graduates are able to think logically, analytically and critically with respect to the academic literature in their major discipline.

    3. Graduates can plan and carry out a supervised programme of academic research that shows a sound understanding of ethical practice.

    4. Graduates are able to synthesise academic or professional literature and effectively communicate research orally and in written form.

    For quality assurance purposes the School is required to hold on record a number of assessment pieces as examples of differing standards of work. If you have any objections to the school holding your assessment for this purpose then email the course coordinator to ensure your assignment is not used for this purpose.


Subject to approval by the Head of Department



Equivalent Courses


Timetable Note

Due to the interactive nature of this course and the possibility that personal anecdotes will be shared, lectures for MGMT616 S1 are not recorded using the ECHO360 lecture recording system.
UC Timetable

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Sarah Wright


Matt Scobie


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Seminar leadership and participation 20% Throughout the semester
Leadership, theory and context case study 30% TBC as a discussion between lecturers and students
Leadership Research Project 02 Jun 2023 50% Leadership Research Project

Leadership research project
Students will design, execute and present a research project on leadership. Details of this assessment will be discussed and developed in class.

Assessment In Te Reo Māori
In recognising that Te Reo Māori is an official language of New Zealand, the University provides for students who may wish to use the Te Reo Māori in their assessment. If you intend to submit your work in Te Reo Māori you are required to do the following:

Read the Assessment in Te Reo Māori Policy and ensure that you meet the conditions set out in the policy. This includes, but is not limited to, informing the Course Coordinator 1) no later than 10 working days after the commencement of the course that you wish to use Te Reo Māori and 2) at least 15 working days before each assessment due date that you wish to use Te Reo Māori.

The marks for assessments may be scaled before a final grade is determined.  You should not regard 50% as a pass mark.

Textbooks / Resources

Readings are available on Learn.
Students will also need to self-select readings.

Course links



Departmental Academic Policies
A summary of Departmental academic policies on course grading, special considerations, etc. is available under: The Department assumes that you have read this document.

You should also read the following:
• UC Business School Student Handbook on the UC Business School Students Learn page
General Course and Examination Regulations

Dishonest Practice
The University of Canterbury considers cheating and plagiarism to be serious acts of dishonesty.  All assessed work must be your own individual work unless specifically stated otherwise in the assessment guidelines. Material quoted from any other source must be clearly acknowledged. You must not copy the work of another person (student or published work) in any assessment including examinations, tests and assignments. Any person, who is found to have copied someone else's work, or to have allowed their work to be copied, will receive a fail grade for that piece of assessment and may face disciplinary action which may lead to a fine, community service or exclusion from the university.

IMPORTANT: Where there are concerns regarding the authorship of written course work, a student can be required to provide a formal, oral explanation of the content of their work.

Citations and referencing

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,037.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Management, Marketing and Tourism .

All MGMT616 Occurrences

  • MGMT616-23S1 (C) Semester One 2023