MKTG204-18S2 (C) Semester Two 2018

Consumer Behaviour

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 16 July 2018
End Date: Sunday, 18 November 2018
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 29 July 2018
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 14 October 2018


The purpose of this course is to focus on why and how consumers make decisions and behave in certain ways. More specifically, it examines what motivates consumers, what captures their attention, and what retains their loyalty.

This course focuses on why and how consumers make decisions and behave in certain ways. More specifically, it examines what motivates consumers, what captures their attention, and what retains their loyalty. The course also covers socio-cultural influences on consumer behavior.

Lectures 22 hours
Class Test 1 2 hours
Final Exam 3 hours
Group Assignment 43 hours
Class Test + Exam Preparation 60 hours
Lecture preparation 20 hours
Total 150 hours

Learning Outcomes

The objectives of the course are:

1. To gain an understanding of the concepts and theories underlying consumer behaviour;
2. To gain an understanding of how consumers make decisions;
3. To understand the impact of individual influences (motivation, perception, learning, attitudes, lifestyles) on consumer behaviour and decisions;
4. To understand the impact of group, social, and cultural influences on consumer behaviour and decisions;
5. To understand the implications of consumer behaviour for product, promotion, pricing, and distribution strategies;
6. To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through collecting relevant information and developing generalized conclusions about the behaviour of consumers.

BCom Learning Goals
Goal 1: Graduates can demonstrate advanced knowledge of their selected subject
major, informed by the broader context of Commerce;

Goal 2: Graduates are able to use analytical thinking and problem-solving skills to
address specific problems;

Goal 3: Graduates can understand issues from a range of ethical, global and
multicultural perspectives;

Goal 4: Graduates are able to communicate effectively both orally and in written

University Graduate Attributes

This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award

Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.

Employable, innovative and enterprising

Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.

Biculturally competent and confident

Students will be aware of and understand the nature of biculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand, and its relevance to their area of study and/or their degree.

Globally aware

Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.





Equivalent Courses


Timetable Note

Attendance and Engagement
All students are expected to attend all scheduled course sessions, actively engage with course content, actively participate in all course activities, and complete all required tasks by the due dates. The lectures will be recorded.

Teaching Assistant Kseniia Zahrai
Drop-in help sessions - Room 302a:
Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11: Tuesday 1pm-3pm
Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12: Wednesday 1pm-3pm or by appointment

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Ann-Marie Kennedy


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Class Test 20 Aug 2018 30% Class Test
Group Assignment 03 Oct 2018 30% Group Assignment
Final Examination 40% Final Examination

There are three compulsory assessments for MKTG204 that must be completed by the specified dates. It is essential that you plan your time so you can keep up to date with the required tasks for each assessment. They have been very carefully selected to supplement the lecture material.  Students will be assessed as follows:
(1) Class Test 1 30%
(2) Group Assignment       30%
(3) Final Exam 40%

(1) Class Test (30%) – Monday 20 August 2018 6:30pm to 8:30pm Rooms E5 and E7
The class test will be held in the evening (multiple choice questions + Short answer questions), covering lectures 1, 2, 3 4 and 5 and book chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10. This is a closed book exam. Prior to the class test, please make sure that you have a look at the example of past multiple choice questions and short answer questions that will be posted on Learn.

There will be 60 multiple choice questions (worth 60 marks) and 4 short answer questions (worth 40 marks) that you will have to answer. There will be 6 short answer questions available and you will only have to answer 4.

Please Note: The class test will be undertaken under examination conditions. That is: Only 2B pencils, eraser, pen, student ID card and water bottle will be allowed on the desk during the test. NO books, notes, pencil cases, mobile phones, calculators or dictionaries.

(2) Group Project (30%) – due Wednesday 3 October 2018 at 5:00pm
Students will experience, observe, and reflect on a consumption experience of their choice. The students will work in groups of 4 to 6 members. Students must sign up for a group on LEARN between August 4 and August 18, following procedures explained in class. You may use the assignment forum on Learn to find members for your group if needed. You cannot add yourself to a group on Learn without the group’s knowledge or OK (so please message group members via Learn asking if you could join).

Groups can decide to submit either a shorter video (5 to 10 minutes long) and text-based supporting document (1000 words) or a longer video (15 min to 20 min long). In both cases, the submission has to (1) describe the motivation for choosing the experience (2) describe the chosen experience (3) explain why the consumption experience occurs by drawing on any of the theories, models, or concepts that you have encountered on the course and/or in academic literature, and (4) present broader societal, managerial, and/or personal implications of the consumption experience. Requirements concerning the group assignment will be explained in-depth in the first lecture.

The assignments have to be submitted on Learn by 5pm Wednesday 3 October. No late submissions will be accepted. When submitting, please make sure to submit your assignment as a group (one submission per group) and NOT individually.

Please make sure to follow the Group Assignment Instructions and Guide that will be posted on Learn.

(3) Final Exam (40%) – Time to be announced (3 hour exam)
The final exam will consist of 60 - 80 multiple choice questions and 6 Short answer questions. It will be a closed book exam and will cover lectures (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) and book chapters (8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16). There will be 8 short answer questions available and you will only have to answer 6. Weightings of the multiple choice questions and short answers will be confirmed in class.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Quester, Pascale G. et al; Consumer behaviour : implications for marketing strategy ; 7th edition;

All assignments and announcements will be published during the semester via Learn. Make sure to check Learn regularly.

Not all of the textbook material will be covered in lectures, and lectures are not limited to what is covered in the textbook. The student is responsible for supplementing the course material with the corresponding readings from the text (as outlined in the lecture schedule). Outlines of the PowerPoint presentations used in the lectures will be available on Learn (with the possible exception of any guest lectures). Many students find it helpful to print these off prior to the lecture so they can make notes alongside the PPt slides. It is important to note that these handouts DO NOT contain ALL the slides used in each of the lectures. They are intended to complement attendance at the lectures – not to replace it!!

If you miss a class, you are responsible for obtaining the missed information from a classmate/lecturer (including important announcements that may not necessarily be posted on Learn but announced in class).


Class Representative
A class representative may be asked to volunteer in the first few weeks of class. Any problems with the course can be raised with the class rep. Their email can be found at UCSA. The class representative will take up any issues raised by class members with the lecturer concerned as they occur.

Departmental Academic Policies
The Department assumes that you have read this document.

You should also read the General Course and Examination Regulations

Dishonest Practice
The University of Canterbury considers cheating and plagiarism to be serious acts of dishonesty.  All assessed work must be your own individual work unless specifically stated otherwise in the assessment guidelines. Material quoted from any other source must be clearly acknowledged. You must not copy the work of another person (student or published work) in any assessment including examinations, tests and assignments. Any person, who is found to have copied someone else's work, or to have allowed their work to be copied, will receive a fail grade for that piece of assessment and may face disciplinary action which may lead to a fine, community service or exclusion from the university.

IMPORTANT: Where there are concerns regarding the authorship of written course work, a student can be required to provide a formal, oral explanation of the content of their work.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $790.00

International fee $3,350.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Management, Marketing and Tourism .

All MKTG204 Occurrences

  • MKTG204-18S2 (C) Semester Two 2018