MUSA200-16S1 (C) Semester One 2016

Musicianship, Harmony and Analysis 2

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 22 February 2016
End Date: Sunday, 26 June 2016
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 6 March 2016
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 22 May 2016


This course develops skill in rhythmic, melodic and harmonic procedures, further music analysis techniques, sight-singing and sight-reading skills, including inner parts and counter-rhythms and extended harmonizations using keyboard or guitar.

This course will enable students to strengthen their abilities to understand, recognise and notate rhythms and counter-rhythms; develop skills of music analysis; create and perform extended harmonisations of melodies on keyboard or guitar; sight-read and perform rhythmic counterpoint; sight-sing a melodic line from within a four-part score; and realise given harmonisations (from jazz notation and/or figured bass).

Learning Outcomes

Students who pass this course will be able to:
*  Sight-sing tonal and modal melodies with a degree of chromaticism, sight-read and perform syncopated rhythms and counter-rhythms, and sight-sing one line from within a four-part diatonic phrase while the other parts are played by the tutor;
*  Form and notate harmonisations of tonal and modal melodies, and sing the melodies while self-accompanying on keyboard or guitar;
*  Realise straightforward and short figured bass harmonisations at the keyboard and/or perform chord sequences on guitar from notated jazz chord symbols;
*  Aurally recognise and notate two-part simply syncopated rhythms; aurally recognise and notate melodies in major and minor keys and modes with a degree of chromaticism, and aurally recognise and notate harmonic sequences (including some extended tonal harmonies) and uncomplicated melodic counterpoint (up to three parts);
*  Perform straightforward analyses of short musical works from score, including transposing instruments and C clef notation, identifying significant musical elements and structural devices and demonstrating an appropriate analytical lexicon.

Students will also gain transferable skills:
*  Skills in self-organisation, time management, the meeting of deadlines and, through the individual tests, skills performance under pressure;
*  Skills in transferring information from one dimension to another (eg, from sight to sound and from sound to sight);
*  Skills in understanding how symbol systems (eg, music notation) can be used to build large comprehensive structures (eg, complete musical works).



MUSI 220

Timetable Note


Student workload (150 hours) will be allocated to:
*  24 hours attending lectures
*  12 hours attending tutorials
*  40 hours completing the Practical Musicianship Tasks
*  75 hours self-directed study

Course Coordinator

Glenda Keam


Francis Yapp


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Test 1 05 Apr 2016 20%
Test 2 31 May 2016 20%
Short Test 1 22 Mar 2016 10%
Short Test 2 24 May 2016 10%
Practical Harmony Tasks (3) 20%
Analysis Assignment 1 07 Apr 2016 10%
Analysis Assignment 2 19 May 2016 10%


Use of Technology

This course assumes that you have sufficient information and technology skills to confidently use a computer to access material for your course.  Your written work will be handwritten and submitted in class time.

You will be required to access our learning management system – LEARN – and to become familiar with its tools.  LEARN provides easily-accessible information about the course and assessments, topics and deadlines, and supports the learning you will gain from attending all lectures and tutorials.  For help using LEARN, refer to:

Additional Course Outline Information

Assessment and grading system

The following shows how to translate grades to numerical scores:

A+  90–100;    A   85–89;    A-  80–84;    B+   75–79;    B 70–74;    B-   65–69;     C+  60–64;     C  55–59;     C- 50–54;     D  40–49;   E  0–39
In a course at 100- or 200-level examiners may grant restricted credit (R) which will be equivalent to a pass for all purposes except as a prerequisite.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $801.00

International fee $3,450.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Humanities .

All MUSA200 Occurrences

  • MUSA200-16S1 (C) Semester One 2016