MUSI692-23A (C) Approved Start 2023

MMus Performance

120 points

Start/End Date: The start and end dates are specific to each student. For further information please contact one of the following (as appropriate):
  • For Masters theses please contact the relevant Faculty Office.
  • For Doctoral degrees (PhD) please contact the Graduate School.
  • For other types of approved start courses (i.e. generally courses worth 60 points or less) please contact the Course Coordinator.
Withdrawal Dates
The withdrawal dates for this course (both with and without fee refund) will be confirmed once a) the course start date and b) course length is confirmed. Students are advised to consult the department for further information.


Advanced performance together with supporting documentation.

The aim of this course is to undertake advanced study in, and gain advanced performance skills in an instrument or voice.

Students will attend weekly individual lessons of 1.5 hours, possibly also performance classes and/or ensemble training, in an instrument or voice.


MUSI473 or equivalent, and approval of Head of Music

Course Coordinator

Mark Menzies


Justin DeHart

Individual Performance Teachers are assigned to each student.


Recital Option

(i)  Mid-year recital of up to 50 minutes duration which includes one major work and also demonstrates a range of styles appropriate for the instrument/voice.

(ii)  Full recital programme of up to 60 minutes duration of material different from the mid-year recital, which includes one major work and also demonstrates a range of styles appropriate for the instrument/voice.

Programme notes and brief biographical notes of the performers are to be provided to the Community Engagement Coordinator at least two weeks prior to each recital.  Evidence of planning and leadership will also be considered in the marking process, together with associated documentation.

CD/Recording Option

Preparation of a CD of 45–50 minutes duration that is largely the result of 'live' takes (although a small amount of editing and enhancing is possible).l

Written documentation of approximately 1500–2000 words is to be provided at the time of submission, outlining the content of the CD and reflecting on the process of its making.  This will include information about the roles each musician played in the devising and performing of the material, and may also include musical examples such as any lead sheets used in the process.  Evidence of planning and leadership will also be considered in the marking process, together with the associated documentation.

In recording and preparing the CD, each student is entitled to up to 3 x 3hr recording sessions (with a small amount of set-up assistance from a staff member) and up to two hours with the School of Music's technician - possibly also with the tutor present - to edit the 'takes' and construct the finished product.

The assessment will be undertaken by an external examiner and moderated by a member of the School of Music staff.  The tutor will normally be present at the assessment meeting, or the performance and post-performance discussion, but will not take part in deciding the grade.

1.  Private video recordings of examination recitals will not be permitted.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $8,117.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Creative and Digital Arts .

All MUSI692 Occurrences

  • MUSI692-23A (C) Approved Start 2023