POLS444-17S2 (C) Semester Two 2017

International Human Rights

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 17 July 2017
End Date: Sunday, 19 November 2017
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 30 July 2017
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 15 October 2017


This course examines the growth of the human rights movement over the past 70 years and problems associated with creating a universal set of human rights norms. Topics include cultural relativism vs. universal norms, economic vs. political rights, and individual vs. group rights.

In 1945 in San Francisco, the members of the United Nations (UN) were vowing, in joining the new organisation: ‘to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small […]’ (UN Charter Preamble, 1945). More than seven decades later, human rights continue to be asserted as an international normative imperative. However, they are also ignored, abused and challenged. In the United States, President Trump is a blatant supporter of torture: ‘It works; it absolutely works!’ Meanwhile in the Philippines, President Duterte’s war on drugs has led to thousands of extra-judicial killing in less than a year. But beyond such outright contemporary challenges to human rights, other forms of contestations have long been brewing, notably linked to the expected ‘universality’ of human rights. Building on five specific themes, this graduate course provides a review and analysis of international human rights philosophy, instruments and institutions. It seeks to engage students in discussing plural contemporary debates linked to international human rights, and how they permeate at the local, regional and international stage.

This course is divided into five modules. The first module explores human rights in a historical and theoretical perspective. It lays the foundation for the rest of the course which will tackle a wide range of case studies. The second module will engage with one of today’s most pressing concern: the refugee ‘crisis’. This part of the course will discuss the meaning of current breaches to the international convention and the response – and sometimes lack of – from the international community. In Module three, we will tackle international justice by discussing the International Criminal Court. Module four will peer into the pressing concerns oven gender based crimes. Here, two case studies will be analysed: gender violence and the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and international sex trafficking. In the last module, we will address important questions relating to human rights discourse and its uses and abuses in times of conflict.

Learning Outcomes

- Students will learn about the history of international human rights and their
multidisciplinary underpinnings;
- Students will gain familiarity with a wide range of theoretical approaches to analyse
human rights’ related issues;
- Students will learn how to critically analyse contemporary case studies.

This course consists of lectures, group and class discussions, debates, as well as question periods with guest-experts. Each lecture will be supported by a PowerPoint presentation. However, do note that the slides are intended to be a support tool rather than an answer sheet. The PowerPoint slides will be uploaded in Learn after each weekly lecture. As this is a graduate level class, students are expected to attend each lecture.

In class, students will be expected to critically discuss, exemplify and debate the class content in relation to the required weekly readings, their personal experiences, or any other content they will be encouraged to seek out. Crucially, the class environment is intended to be ‘safe’ for all students. This means that the classroom will offer a constructive learning environment where students will respectfully listen to one another’s views and ultimately, everyone will feel comfortable to participate.


Subject to the approval of the Head of Department


POLS405, DIPL405, ILAP662, POLS420 and DIPL418 prior to 2014

Course Coordinator

For further information see Language, Social and Political Sciences Head of Department


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Informed Participation 15% Students must come to class having done the weekly readings and participate in the class discussions.
Final Assignment 35% The final assessment (week 12) will evaluate your knowledge of all the material covered in class (lectures, discussions and readings).
Debates (2) 50% Students will be asked to prepare two inclass debates. This will involve two 3,500-word essays, as well as taking an active part in the class debates.

Textbooks / Resources

The weekly readings are compulsory. They have been selected to complement the information provided during the lectures and to guide the weekly class discussions. The readings will be available via Learn. Additionally, students will be encouraged to seek out other literature on the topics covered in class, notably in daily newspapers, magazines,documentaries, journals, etc.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,775.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Language, Social and Political Sciences .

All POLS444 Occurrences

  • POLS444-17S2 (C) Semester Two 2017