Special Topic: Computational Contemplative-Neuroscience

15 points

Not offered 2025, offered in 2023, 2024

For further information see School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing


This course is highly interdisciplinary and provides students with competency in applying computational neuroscience techniques in researching and understanding concepts in contemplative neurosciences. Contemplative neurosciences are an emerging field of enquiry that focus on the changes within the mind, brain, and body as a result of contemplative practices, or more broadly practises that provide an experience of self-transcendence; these include practice of mindfulness-based meditation, contemplative walking, or yoga. The course is interdisciplinary with a wide ranging learning objectives, from designing experiments to obtaining EEG data from subjects engaged in a contemplative activity, to EEG data analysis, and dissemination of findings. Study modes in this course include, reading and analysing primary literature, completion of an independent research project that further develops research and computational skills, and articulation of research findings in oral format by giving a class group presentation.


Subject to approval of the Head of School.
Recommended preparation: Bachelors of Science (Psychology), Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Bachelor of Data Science, or
Bachelor of Health Sciences

Recommended Preparation

Bachelors of Science (Psychology), Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Bachelor of Data Science, or Bachelor of Health Sciences