Semester One


Education, Culture and Society
This course provides an introduction to foundational theories, concepts and processes in the study of education. The course explores theories about power, justice and fairness in society, with a particular focus on how they relate to education. It also examines what part factors such as class, genders and sexualities, disability, and race may play in maintaining unequal forms of education. An important feature of the course will be analysing the role played by education in the development of colonial relations between Maori and Pakeha, and how that continues to shape contemporary New Zealand society.
Semester One 2024
Semester One 2024 (Distance)
15 points
EDUC120 and TEDU111

Semester Two


Spark! The Art & Science of Learning
In this course, we address how people learn as well as the social, political, and global contexts in which learning takes place. Together, we walk through the art and science of learning, including contemporary debates and discussions in anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. Through questions, we view learning from diverse perspectives to understand learning in Aotearoa New Zealand and elsewhere around the world. Course assessments are designed in a way that links theories of learning to any academic discipline or subject area while also giving you the opportunity to apply your knowledge in a meaningful, purposeful, and unique way.
Semester Two 2024
Semester Two 2024 (Distance)
15 points

Child and Adolescent Development
This course establishes a foundation in theory, concepts, processes and factual knowledge of infant, child, and adolescent development within the context of family, school, and community. Students will acquire an understanding of the developmental processes that take place within and across physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains, and their associations with developmental outcomes.
Semester Two 2024
Semester Two 2024 (Distance)
15 points
AKOE171, TEDU110, TEDU102, EDUC121, TEDU150

Summer Nov


Spark! The Art & Science of Learning
In this course, we address how people learn as well as the social, political, and global contexts in which learning takes place. Together, we walk through the art and science of learning, including contemporary debates and discussions in anthropology, history, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. Through questions, we view learning from diverse perspectives to understand learning in Aotearoa New Zealand and elsewhere around the world. Course assessments are designed in a way that links theories of learning to any academic discipline or subject area while also giving you the opportunity to apply your knowledge in a meaningful, purposeful, and unique way.
Summer Nov 2024 start (Distance)
15 points