COSC474-24S2 (C) Semester Two 2024

Special Topic

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 15 July 2024
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2024
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 28 July 2024
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 29 September 2024


Special Topic

COSC474-23S2 Special topic: Computer Architecture and Parallelism

Description: An advanced course for computer science and software engineering students on computer architecture, concurrency and parallelism (principally at a system level – bit, instruction and thread level). Topics covered include: CPU design, problems in parallelism, structures to improve performance (superscalar and cache design), VHDL/Verilog (programming), and examples of specialised designs (such as GPUs).

Pre-requisites: ENCE260 Computer Systems

Learning Outcomes

1. Critique system-level designs of computer architecture (including superscalar, RISC, CISC, VLIW and cache designs) [WA1, WA2]
2. Implement architectural designs in a hardware description language [WA3, WA4, WA5]
3. Analyse problems in parallelism and concurrency (mutual-exclusion, race-conditions, idempotence, locks, Tomasulo’s algorithm and Peterson’s algorithm) [WA2]
4. Demonstrate research skills, through literature search and review, in the space of computer architecture [WA10]
5. Propose experiments to advance a concept in computer architecture [WA12]

University Graduate Attributes

This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

Employable, innovative and enterprising

Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.


Subject to the approval of the Head of Department

Timetable 2024

Students must attend one activity from each section.

Lecture A
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Tuesday 15:00 - 16:00 Jack Erskine 446
15 Jul - 25 Aug
9 Sep - 20 Oct
Lecture B
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Monday 14:00 - 15:00 Jack Erskine 239
15 Jul - 25 Aug
9 Sep - 20 Oct
Workshop A
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Thursday 09:00 - 11:00 Jane Soons 603
15 Jul - 28 Jul
Workshop B
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Thursday 10:00 - 11:00 - 29 Jul - 25 Aug
16 Sep - 20 Oct

Examinations, Quizzes and Formal Tests

Test A
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Thursday 10:00 - 11:00 - 9 Sep - 15 Sep

Timetable Note

Please note that the course activity times advertised here are currently in draft form, to be finalised at the end of January for S1 and whole year courses, and at the end of June for S2 courses.

Please hold off enquiries about these times until those finalisation dates.

Time Commitment: 150 hours
• 24hr Lecture hours (2x1hr/week – 12 weeks)
• 10hr Laboratory – formal help sessions on VHDL and Verilog programming (5x2hr/week – 5 weeks)
• 30hr Self directed learning (lecture prep)
• 70hr Project work
• 16hr Test and Examinations (including prep time)

Course Coordinator

Andrew Bainbridge-Smith

Lecturer: Andrew Bainbridge-Smith, Senior Lecturer Above the Bar
Lecturer: Professor Dali Wang, Erskine Fellow from Christopher Newport University, Virginia, USA


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Project 60%
Mid-Semester Test 20% 90 minutes
Final Exam 20% 90 minutes

Approximate Agenda:
1. General computer architecture - Introduction, gate design to simple computing units, VHDL/Verilog
2. Memory organisation - Memory hierarchy, cache design
3. Concurrency and parallelism - bit, instruction and thread parallelism; mutual-exclusion; race-conditions; idempotence; locks; Tomasulo’s algorithm and Peterson’s algorithm
4. Specialised architectural designs - Superscalar, multithreading
5. Unconventional designs - systolic-arrays, number systems and arithmetic, hardware NNs
6. GPUs - concepts and uses
7. Quantum computing* - concepts and uses – This topic is yet to be confirmed

An individual project where the student is required to undertake a scholarly review of an approved topic in computer architecture.  The student will be required to produce a written report including:
• an explanation of the topic aimed at peers in the course (Learning Outcome 1)
• a literature review on the topic, preferably including a meta-review and a number of recent publications in the area (Learning Outcome 4)
• an implementation (or salient part thereof) in VHDL/Verilog of the topic – outline of the design in the report, with actual code as a supplementary submission (Learning Outcome 2)
• to conduct some basic performance measurements of their implementation and to report on these (Learning Outcome 5)

The project work is supported by a weekly 2 hour workshop session where both VHDL and Verilog programming is introduced to students.  Students are only required to develop and implement their design ideas in one of the languages for their project, but are expected to develop understanding in both.

Mid-Semester Test & Final Exam:
These tests, aimed as assessing Learning Outcomes 1-3, will be designed to ensure students have adequate breadth of understanding and knowledge of the entire course.

Additional Course Outline Information

Special Consideration Applications for the Final Exam

Please click HERE for the CSSE Department's policy for the academic remedy of applications for a special consideration for final exams.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,110.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Computer Science and Software Engineering .

All COSC474 Occurrences

  • COSC474-24S2 (C) Semester Two 2024