EDEM630-18S1 (D) Semester One 2018 (Distance)

Change with Digital Technologies in Education and Training

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 19 February 2018
End Date: Sunday, 24 June 2018
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 4 March 2018
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 20 May 2018


This course is designed to study change with digital technologies in education. In this course, students will discover principles and approaches that prompt complex changes affecting society education and training today and explore their roles in leadership and change. This course has three complementary elements: technology diffusion, shared leadership and models of change. Students will lead online seminars, conduct field observation and engage in project work to prompt and understand change within their own contexts. The course aims to help each student gain experience as a change agent using digital technologies reflectively and responsibly to support educational change.

• While this level 9 course is suitable for students wishing to earn a MEd by coursework in any specialism, it is particularly suited to the MEd specialism of e-Learning and Digital Technologies.
• Leaders of innovation and change with the new Digital Technologies | Hangarau Matihiko curriculum are welcome in this course. However, this level 9 course does not cover the Digital Technologies | Hangarau Matihiko curriculum or computer science education.

EDEM630 is normally offered in a flexible learning mode (more information on UC distance learning is linked here). Flexible learning in this course includes online study in Learn the UC LMS. The design of the course is adapted to the community of learners who enrol to enable the formation of a learning community.  All assignments are submitted and returned electronically via the course Learn LMS course site. The course designed to facilitate part time study by educators in New Zealand including those in schools, tertiary education and related services. Students will normally undertake the assigned work within their professional responsibilities. Students are also welcome to attend e-Learning Lab events, see http://tinyurl.com/e-LabEvents, if they wish.

We are pleased to announce the course team for 2018 is led by Distinguished Professor Niki Davis and includes teaching by Professor Lynne Schrum who is our 2018 Visiting Canterbury Fellow.

Learning Outcomes

This level 9 course has five learning outcomes. Students will be supported to
1. Critically review the diversity of educational, social, cultural and technical factors impacting the diffusion of e-learning, ICT and digital technologies  
2. Analyse and evaluate complex educational issues and opportunities using multiple perspectives on digital technologies in education or training, including: the innovation, the class, the organisation, the region, and global perspectives
3. Critically evaluate and apply theoretical models of change and related literature
4. Critically examine case studies and related research to inform existing and future problems
5. Demonstrate knowledge of change with ICT in education and training contexts and be able to apply this knowledge to emerging opportunities within education and training ecosystem.


Subject to the approval of Head of School

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Niki Davis


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Change Models 26 Mar 2018 25% Review of two change models applied to a context in education or training, including an annotated bibliography of critiqued literature (minimum 10 sources). *The course text includes a range of models.
Reflective Portfolio 05 May 2018 25% Critically reflective portfolio of artefacts demonstrating new skills, techniques and leadership. *Artefacts will be developed during the course.
Research Paper 28 May 2018 50% Research paper presenting a case study of change with digital technologies in education or training interpreted through relevant theories and citations of literature (minimum 20 sources). *Case study to be set in a current or past context familiar to the student.

Course participants are expected to participate actively in the online learning environment contributing to the course community of online learners.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Davis, Niki; Digital technologies and change in education : the arena framework ; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

This text book is available in the UC library and may be previewed online on the Routledge website. Students wishing to purchase a copy may use the code IRK69 for a 20% discount with Rutledge.

Due to the rapidly evolving state of the field and the nature of this course, required reading is set as the course develops.

Recommended reading includes,

Levin, B. B., & Schrum, L. (2014). Lessons learned from secondary schools using technology for school improvement: It's just not that simple. Journal of School Leadership, 24(4), 640.

Mackey, J., Davis, N., & Stuart, C. (2015). Leading change with digital technologies in education. Set: Research Information for Teachers, 2, 17-26. doi:10.18296/set.0014

Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.

Schrum, L., & Levin, B. B. (2016). Educational technologies and twenty-first century leadership for learning. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 19(1), 17-39. doi:10.1080/13603124.2015.1096078

Schrum, L., & Levin, B. B. (2012). Evidence-based strategies for leading 21st century schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,811.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Educational Studies and Leadership .

All EDEM630 Occurrences

  • EDEM630-18S1 (D) Semester One 2018 (Distance)