EDEM638-18S2 (D) Semester Two 2018 (Distance)

Curriculum Leadership

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 16 July 2018
End Date: Sunday, 18 November 2018
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 29 July 2018
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 14 October 2018


This course is designed to encourage new and aspiring curriculum leaders to explore and develop strategies for leading curriculum change. The course will involve critical reflection on current curriculum developments in Aotearoa New Zealand and leadership models that create and sustain effective curriculum practices. The course will be presented in three sections which focus on context and issues related to: Current curriculum changes, Leadership for curriculum change, and Action research on leading curriculum change. The action research will be supervised individually or in small groups according to curriculum area.

Click here to find out why I should take this course

Testimonials From Past Students

"I appreciated the valuable feedback given on the assignments and the assignment rubrics" (2015 student)

"Timely feedback and personal one on one conversations about the research plan were helpful." (2014 student)

"The lecturer always appears to be motivated by the course content and willing to engage in dialogue around it. I appreciated being about to read her work in relation to the course content. The flexibility of the assessment topics also meant that I was able to pursue and explore areas of interest to me." (2013 student)

"Superb LEARN site, clear with excellent information." (2013 student)

"The lecturer was approachable, supportive and encouraging about my learning, my area of education and ideas. I felt my learning was valued." (2012 student)

Comments from Jacqui Duncan (Principal, Cashmere Primary, Christchurch) who marked EDEM638 assignments in 2010 and 2011.
"I am very pleased with the standard of the research, the obvious learning, self- awareness and reflective practice that has occurred with the assignments I have marked to date. I am a fan of this course and wish it was compulsory for my staff winning a leadership unit. Congratulations on the relevance and rigour of this course." (13 October 2011)

MEd contact at the College of Education Postgraduate Office 3642987 ext 4877 postgraduate@education.canterbury.ac.nz

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants who have successfully completed this course will be able to:
  • Define the scope of leadership work by teachers;
  • Use knowledge of change theories and approaches in the literature as a framework for reviewing own leadership of change initiatives;
  • Identify strategies for working with colleagues of differing ages and stages of confidence and experience;
  • Formulate mentoring strategies for working with staff members to improve their curriculum knowledge and practices;
  • Undertake a small investigation of one’s own coaching and mentoring actions by taping an authentic professional learning conversation with a colleague and analyzing the questioning and listening skill-set to note strengths and areas for future development.


Subject to approval of the Head of School



Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Susan Lovett


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Assignment 1 10 Sep 2018 30%
Assignment 2 29 Oct 2018 60%
Assessed Forum Participation 10% There are two assessed forums. The intention is to respond to a specified reading noting key points and challenges for practice.

Assignment 1
The first assignment is a literature review addressing the question of how leadership by teachers improves student learning. The leadership context used for answering this question needs to relate to the course member’s own leadership experience. That leadership experience can be within a formal leadership role (e.g. curriculum leader, team leader, Head of Learning Area) or by seeing leadership by teachers as a more fluid activity, not necessarily tied to a formal leadership role because leadership is understood to occur in the flow of practice as influence occurs naturally around recognition that colleagues can influence each other’s practice. The review should conclude with a set of success criteria for showing how teacher leadership can be mobilised.

Assignment 2
The second assignment has two parts. The first is a review of theories and approaches to the leadership of change initiatives. The purpose is to recognize the complexities of working with colleagues to explore practice in ways which promote collegial relationships (learner to learner) and an explicit focus on learning. Change leadership theories then provide a lens to critically reflect on a recent example of change leadership in terms of the processes used and the extent to which they have enabled or hindered the success of the change initiative. Part two of the assignment provides an opportunity to have a focused learning conversation with a colleague for the purpose of analyzing one’s own language of coaching/mentoring so as to identify the current questioning and listening skill-set and how it could be further extended.

Assessed forum participation.
There are two assessed forums. The intention is to respond to a specified reading noting key points and challenges for practice. Dialogue with other course members is structured in the forum’s second component where course members choose another course member’s response and then submit a response to them which includes a question to consider.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Robertson, Jan , Timperley, Helen; Leadership and learning ; Sage, 2011.

Text books may be purchased from the University Bookshop
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Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,811.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Educational Studies and Leadership .

All EDEM638 Occurrences

  • EDEM638-18S2 (D) Semester Two 2018 (Distance)