ENCH295-16W (C) Whole Year 2016

Chemical Engineering Professional Practice

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 22 February 2016
End Date: Sunday, 13 November 2016
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 6 March 2016
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 4 September 2016


This course will introduce the students to the chemical engineering laboratory environment and process safety. It will also build on the professional skills introduced in ENGR101 such as sketching, ethics and report writing.

This course will introduce the students to the chemical engineering laboratory environment and process safety. It will also build on the professional skills introduced in ENGR101 such as engineering drawing and report writing.

1. Laboratory skills – exposure to chemical process equipment and working with experimental apparatus
2. Professional skills – Computing with Excel, Visio, technical drawing, engineering report writing, library skills
3. Process Safety – an introduction to chemical and physical hazards, important industrial accidents and the concept of hazard vs risk.
4. Electrical systems relevant to chemical engineers

Learning Outcomes

After passing this course, a student is able to:
LO1: Demonstrate engineering sketching and technical drawing skills including CAD.
LO2: Exhibit familiarity with some electrical concepts relevant to the process industries.
LO3: Understand and apply introductory concepts such hazard identification and preliminary risk analysis required to assess the safety of industrial processes and the laboratory environment.
LO4: Conduct chemical engineering experiments on laboratory and pilot-scale equipment in a team situation and analyse the results quantitatively using statistical tools and computational packages such as Excel Solver.
LO5: Write engineering reports analysing and discussing experimental results following the style typical of the chemical process industry  

This course contributes to the following IPENZ Graduate competency profiles.

IPENZ Graduate Competency Profile
Learning outcomes
2) Understand and apply the mathematical and engineering sciences (LO3, LO4)
3) Formulate and solve models that predict the behaviour of part or all of complex systems, using first principles of fundamental engineering sciences and mathematics. (LO4)
5) Recognise when further information is needed and be able to find it by identifying, evaluating and drawing conclusions from all pertinent sources of information, and by designing and carrying out experiments. (LO4, LO5)
6) Understand methods of dealing with uncertainty, the limitations of design and analysis methods, and identify, evaluate and manage risks in complex engineering problems. (LO3, LO4, LO5)
7) Function effectively in a team by being able to work cooperatively with the capability to lead or manage a team. (LO4)
8) Communicate effectively, comprehending and writing effective reports and design documentation, summarising information, making effective oral presentations and giving and receiving clear oral instructions. (LO5)
9) Be aware of the role of engineers and their responsibility to society by demonstrating understanding of the general responsibilities of a professional engineer. (LO3)
11) Demonstrate competence in the practical art of engineering by showing in design an understanding of the practical methods for the construction and maintenance of engineering products, and using modern calculation and design tools competently for complex engineering problems. (LO1, LO2, LO4)


Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.



Timetable Note

Timetabled activities – listed below are the different activities scheduled for this class with a brief description.  These activities take place in the afternoons.  The (letters) indicated the particular event codes used in My Timetable.  As this is a full-year paper, it covers activities in both S1 and S2.
• Engineering Drawing (A – D) –.  The basic tasks that will be practiced in the Engineering Drawing or the Computer Aided Design (CAD) laboratory that will immediately follow on the same day will be introduced.  A – C take place in Otakaro 146 L1 and D takes place in Wheki 302.  Please confirm location in My Timetable.
• Engineering Library (F) – a tour of the facility and introduction to the resources and technical assistance available. The library tour has 4 streams: 2 on Monday (22/2) afternoon; 2 on Tuesday (23/2) afternoon.. You may select a stream that you prefer in the same way that you select stream for your other lab classes.
• Boiler tutorial (E) – a tutorial to support the boiler experiment.  This is scheduled for  Sept. 13th.
• Field Trip – a trip to local chemical processing facility in Semester 2.  Details will be released later in the year.

Computer Laboratories

Lab coordinator – Dr. Alex Yip / Dr. Alfred Herritsch

For all lab activities, you must attend the occurrence you have been scheduled for.  Please use My Timetable to confirm your scheduled slot.

• Excel Lab (E, F): This one afternoon session builds on the self-paced worksheet presented in ENGR101 and introduces/reinforces tools such as absolute referencing and Solver.  There are no marks associated with this but all students must attend a session and complete it satisfactorily to obtain a pass in this session.  The lab takes place in Dovedale Village DB05, DC04/06 on 22 Feb or 23 Feb.  Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Visio Lab (V): This one afternoon session introduces the software Visio for creating process flow diagrams and piping & instrumentation software. There are no marks associated with this but all students must complete it satisfactorily to obtain a pass in this session.  The lab takes place in Dovedale Village DB05, DC04/06.  Please attend your scheduled session.


• Drawing (B, C): These afternoon sessions are to practice the engineering drawing techniques introduced in the tutorial
• Industrial Hardware (H): this is a hands-on activity in one afternoon learning about steam transportation, valve types and steam traps. It will take place in EPS Library Level 2, Discussion Rms 1 & 2.   Sessions will start in S1, Week 2, please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Mechanical Engineering Practice (E): this is a hands-on activity in one afternoon session learning about connectors (bolts, nuts, etc.) and bearings.  It will take place in University Warehouse (adjacent to the Recreation Centre) in Rm 01. Sessions will start in S1, Week 2, please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Measurement (M) (Special Purposes Lab): This activity investigates the principles of measurement accuracy.  Students examine the accuracy of basic measuring operations and apply these principles to calibrate a variable area flow meter.  The lectures on statistics of measurements will be applied in this and later labs.  The lab session is approximately 3 hours long and individual reports will be required. This activity starts in S1,Week 2. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Pump Applications (P) (Special Purposes Lab):  Students work as a group to dismantle and reassemble a pump and piping network. The pumping rate is then investigated for different discharge pressures. The objectives are to give the students experience of some important plant items, to foster teamwork and time management skills and to introduce appropriate safety procedures.  There are no marks associated with this but all students must complete it satisfactorily to obtain a pass in this course. This activity starts in S1, Week 8. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Blower (V) (Special Purposes Lab): To measure the isentropic efficiency of the Roots Blower in the Special Purposes Chemical Engineering Lab using two different methods, and to critically examine each method. The lab session is approximately 1.5 hours long and individual reports will be required. This activity starts in S2, Week 8. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Evaporator (S) (Special Purposes lab): The objectives to this experiment include calculating the overall heat transfer coefficient of a ~125 kW evaporator and perform a heat balance. The lab session is approximately 1 hour long and individual reports will be required. This activity starts in S2, Week 8. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Boiler (A) (University Boiler House): the objective of this experiment is to perform a coupled mass & energy balance along with determining the thermal efficiency on one of the University’s industrial scale coal-fired boiler.  This activity consists of a tutorial (E) on 13 Sept followed by the actual experiment (A) on 20 Sept. Individual reports will be required. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.
• Engineering Drawing (A – D) –.  The basic tasks that will be practiced in the Engineering Drawing or the Computer Aided Design (CAD) laboratory that will immediately follow on the same day will be introduced.  A – C take place in Otakaro 146 L1 and D takes place in Wheki 302.  Please confirm location in My Timetable.

• Engineering Library (F) – a tour of the facility and introduction to the resources and technical assistance available.  This takes place at 2 pm on 23 Feb.

• Boiler tutorial (E) – a tutorial to support the boiler experiment.  This is scheduled for  Sept. 6th and Sept 27th.

• Field Trip – a trip to local chemical processing facility in Semester 2.  Details will be released later in the year.

Computer Laboratories
Lab coordinator – Dr. Alex Yip / Dr. Alfred Herritsch

For all lab activities, you must attend the occurrence you have been scheduled for.  Please use My Timetable to confirm your scheduled slot.
• Excel Lab (E, F): This one afternoon session builds on the self-paced worksheet presented in ENGR101 and introduces/reinforces tools such as absolute referencing and Solver.  There are no marks associated with this but all students must attend a session and complete it satisfactorily to obtain a pass in this session.  The lab takes place in Dovedale Village DB05, DC04/06 on 22 Feb or 23 Feb.  Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

• Visio Lab (V): This one afternoon session introduces the software Visio for creating process flow diagrams and piping & instrumentation software. There are no marks associated with this but all students must complete it satisfactorily to obtain a pass in this session.  The lab takes place in Dovedale Village DB05, DC04/06 on 24 Feb.  Please attend your scheduled session.


• Drawing (B, C): These afternoon sessions are to practice the engineering drawing techniques introduced in the tutorial

• Industrial Hardware (H): this is a hands-on activity in one afternoon learning about steam transportation, valve types and steam traps. It will take place in EPS Library Level 2, Discussion Rms 1 & 2.   Sessions will start in S1, Week 2, please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

• Mechanical Engineering Practice (E): this is a hands-on activity in one afternoon session learning about connectors (bolts, nuts, etc.) and bearings.  It will take place in University Warehouse (adjacent to the Recreation Centre) in Rm 01. Sessions will start in S1, Week 2, please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

• Measurement (M) (Special Purposes Lab): This activity investigates the principles of measurement accuracy.  Students examine the accuracy of basic measuring operations and apply these principles to calibrate a variable area flow meter.  The lectures on statistics of measurements will be applied in this and later labs.  The lab session is approximately 3 hours long and individual reports will be required. This activity starts in S1,Week 2. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

• Pump Applications (P) (Special Purposes Lab):  Students work as a group to dismantle and reassemble a pump and piping network. The pumping rate is then investigated for different discharge pressures. The objectives are to give the students experience of some important plant items, to foster teamwork and time management skills and to introduce appropriate safety procedures.  There are no marks associated with this but all students must complete it satisfactorily to obtain a pass in this course. This activity starts in S1, Week 8. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

• Blower (V) (Special Purposes Lab): To measure the isentropic efficiency of the Roots Blower in the Special Purposes Chemical Engineering Lab using two different methods, and to critically examine each method. The lab session is approximately 1.5 hours long and individual reports will be required. This activity starts in S2, Week 8. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

• Evaporator (S) (Special Purposes lab): The objectives to this experiment include calculating the overall heat transfer coefficient of a ~125 kW evaporator and perform a heat balance. The lab session is approximately 1 hour long and individual reports will be required. This activity starts in S2, Week 8. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

• Boiler (A) (University Boiler House): the objective of this experiment is to perform a coupled mass & energy balance along with determining the thermal efficiency on one of the University’s industrial scale coal-fired boiler.  This activity consists of a tutorial (E) on 6 Sept, followed by a site-visit on 13 Sept (A), the actual experiment (A) on 20 Sept and a tutorial on the 27 Sept. Individual reports will be required. Please see My Timetable for your occurrence.

Course Coordinator

Peter Gostomski


Alfred Herritsch , John Pearse and Alex Yip

Lab Technicians

Frank Weerts and Eric Cox


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
CAD Assignment 15%
CAD Tasks 5%
Electrical Systems 5%
Engineering Drawing 5%
Final Exam 10%
Blower 5%
Boiler 15%
Evaporator 5%
Industrial Hardware - pass/fail
Measurement 5%
Mechanical Engineering Practice pass/fail Mechanical Engineering Practice pass/fail
Pump Applications- pass/fail
Engineering Drawing Test 30%

Copying and Plagiarism

While most laboratory activities are done in groups, lab reports are individual assessments.  You may discuss data and approaches to calculations with your partners but all calculations and written portions of lab reports must represent individual work.  Evidence of copying of another person’s work will result in an award of 0 points on the lab report for everyone involved and a report will be submitted to the University Proctor.  This policy is also true for the assessments associated with this class.  

Assignment Submissions:

All assignments must be stapled securely at the top left-hand corner and be handed in to level 5 of the Civil/Mechanical Building by 5:00 pm on the due date.  Please ensure that you put your assignment to the box corresponding to ENCH295 at the admin desk. Some of the labs and other assignments will also require electronic submission in addition to the hardcopy to facilitate the use of Turnitin.  This will be indicated on the lab briefing sheet.

Late or Missed Coursework:

ALL late work must be handed in directly to the Senior Tutor, Dr Alfred Herritsch, E540, Civil/Mechanical building as soon as possible and will be penalised 25% per day or part thereof (weekends will be counted as one day for this purpose).

Special Consideration:
For assessment work worth 10% or more, students may apply for special consideration if their performance is affected by circumstances including illness, bereavement, and some sporting events at a national level. For more information and procedures, please see www.canterbury.ac.nz/exams/ and find the “special consideration” link or ask the Course Coordinator.

For assessment work worth < 10%, students may contact the academic responsible for the assessment for special consideration no later than 7 days after the due date.  Acceptable reasons will be the same as assessment worth 10% or more.  

Students prevented by circumstances from completing the course after the final date for withdrawing, may apply for special consideration for late discontinuation of the course. Applications must be submitted to the Examinations Office within five days of the end of the main examination period for the semester.

Disability Resource Services

For those students registered with Disability Resource Services and have a Learning Support Plan in place, please remember to contact the Course Coordinator if special arrangements are required for the test or the exam at least 10 days before.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Standards Association of Australia. , Standards New Zealand; Technical drawing for students : joint handbook ; Revised and designated as joint handbook SAA/SNZ HB1:1994; Standards Australia ;Standards New Zealand, 1994 (This standard may be downloaded free of charge from the University Library's Standards New Zealand database page which may be found at http://library.canterbury.ac.nz/databases).

Recommended Reading

Boundy, A. W; Engineering drawing ; 5th ed; McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Howard, William E. , Musto, Joseph C; Introduction to solid modeling using SolidWorks 2014 ;

Jordan, Pat; Foundations of Excel : for engineers and scientists ; Pearson, 2012.

Simmons, C. H. , Maguire, D. E; Manual of engineering drawing ; Rev. ed; Arnold, 1995.


Safety equipment
Safety glasses and lab coat: In CAPE, you are required to wear safety glasses and a lab coat in the lab. Please make sure you have these before the semester starts. For those of you who do not have safety glasses and a lab coat from the Engineering Chemistry class last year, you may purchase them on campus.

Safety glasses and lab coat purchase on campus: Safety glasses and laboratory coats can be obtained by presenting a receipt, obtained in advance, for the appropriate sum. The necessary receipts for glasses and laboratory coats may be obtained from the Copy Centre, Undercroft and exchanged in room 233 of the Chemistry Department between the hours of 10am – noon and 2 – 4pm, Monday to Friday in the first week of term.

Students with concerns about the course should contact the lecturer of the associated section, the course coordinator (Assoc. Prof. Peter Gostomski), the Director of 1st Pro Studies (Assoc. Prof. Ken Morison).  Other options include the CAPE Administrative Services Manager Ranee Hearst or the Dean of Engineering.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $901.00

International fee $4,863.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

Minimum enrolments

This course will not be offered if fewer than 25 people apply to enrol.

For further information see Chemical and Process Engineering .

All ENCH295 Occurrences

  • ENCH295-16W (C) Whole Year 2016