ENME207-18S2 (C) Semester Two 2018

Materials Science and Engineering

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 16 July 2018
End Date: Sunday, 18 November 2018
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 29 July 2018
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 14 October 2018


Fundamental relationships between structure, processing, physical properties and performance for metallic, ceramic, polymeric, composite and electronic materials.

This introductory course is designed for mechanical engineering students. The fundamental relationships between structure, processing and physical properties will be examined for metallic, ceramic, polymeric, and composite materials.

Learning Outcomes

  • At the conclusion of the course, the successful student:
    1) will be able to identify the major properties of the different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, and electronic materials);
    2) will be able to recognize the interdependence of the structure, properties, processing, and performance of materials, and will be able to describe the important parameters that govern the relationships between these four categories;
    3) will be able to integrate fundamental materials science with laboratory synthesis and processing, as well as analysis of experimental data.

    The lectures of this course aim to help students achieve understanding of:
  • atomic, crystalline and microscopic structure of metallic, ceramic, polymeric and composite materials.
  • crystalline defects and diffusion
  • mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms
  • metal forming
  • fracture mechanisms and failure analysis
  • thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations
  • solidification processing of metal and plastics
  • welding
  • properties other than mechanical (e.g., optical, magnetic, thermal, electrical and electronic)
  • corrosion
  • materials selection

    The laboratories supplement the lectures with practical experience in observing and measuring the properties and behaviour of engineering materials
    • University Graduate Attributes

      This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

      Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award

      Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.


Subject to the approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry



Timetable Note

All course meetings are in MyTimetable. It is your responsibility to confirm these meetings.
Lectures: Four hours per week.
Tutorials: One hour per week in streams
Quizzes: Held in lecture every second Friday starting in week 3 (i.e. weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11).
Laboratories: There are four two-hour labs. You must attend your session at the time indicated in MyTimetable. No swapping or switching is allowed without prior approval due to space and time constraints. Laboratories will take place in the Materials Engineering area of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratories in the Warehouse and the Microscopy Suite on the ground floor of the Civil/Mechanical Building. Labs start promptly at the designated time. Again, you must attend the lab session to which you are assigned unless prior permission from the lecturer has been obtained.

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Milo Kral


Catherine Bishop

Course Coordinator (Labs, Timetabling) Lecturer (weeks 1-3, 6):
Prof. Milo Kral Room E501, x92102, milo.kral@canterbury.ac.nz

weeks 1-3, 6: Prof. Milo Kral
weeks 3,4: Mr. Oscar Torres Matheus, oscar.torresmatheus@pg.canterbury.ac.nz
weeks 7-12: Dr. Catherine Bishop, Room E514, x92137, catherine.bishop@canterbury.ac.nz

Laboratory Technician:
Mr Kevin Stobbs, Mechanical Labs at Warehouse, kevin.stobbs@canterbury.ac.nz
ENME207-2017-CourseHandout-v14.docx 2/3

Teaching Assistants:
Mr Oscar Torres, oscar.torresmatheus@pg.canterbury.ac.nz
Ms Alice Young, alice.young@pg.canterbury.ac.nz

Office Hours
Dr. Bishop: Open door policy. To ensure my availability, email to make an appointment.
Prof. Kral: Open door policy. email to make an appointment.
Mr Oscar Torres, email to make an appointment.


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Final Exam 40%
Homework 10%
Laboratory Assignments 15% 2 worksheets 2.5% each (5%) 2 full lab reports 5% each (10%)
Quizzes 30% 5 quizzes 6% each
Unannounced Quizzes 5%

Due dates for homework and laboratories are provided along with the assignment. Lab worksheets are due at the conclusion of the lab. Lab reports are due one week after the lab to the corresponding LEARN dropbox. Turnitin originality detection software will be used to screen work for plagiarism. Late submissions of homework and lab reports are eligible for 50% credit only.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Callister, W D; Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction ; 9th Edition; Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley and Sons, 2014.

Callister WD, Rethwisch DG 2014. Materials science and engineering: an introduction. 9th edition, Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley and Sons. You are required to do the assigned reading from the text. You can buy the bound book, buy the binder-ready book, borrow copies from the library (6 books on 3-hour loan) or buy an ebook

Electronic Resources
LEARN: Lecture materials; lab worksheets, data, report instructions and electronic submission; administrative course information. (required)

WileyPlus: Homework, Interactive materials, course electronic text, practice problems.  (required)

Tips for success in ENME207
1. Read and keep up to date on the required readings.
2. Join the Wiley website for extra practice problems and interactive material.
3. Attend all the lectures and participate.
4. Get lecture slides from UC LEARN before lecture.
5. Take notes during lecture.
6. Do all of the homework on time.
7. Study for the quizzes after you do the homework.
8. Look at quiz solutions and your answers as soon as they are available after a quiz.
9. Ask questions if you can’t see how to get an answer.
10. Attend all laboratories at your designated time.
11. Proofread your laboratory reports (try reading them out loud) to ensure you follow the instructions and to ensure that they make sense.
12. Make sure you read your uclive emails to stay on top of the course messages from LEARN.

Additional Course Outline Information


Policies relating to all courses: You should familiarize yourself with the policies at
academic-advice/, especially those on special consideration (formerly aegrotats),
requests to sit quizzes or turn in assessment on alternate dates, academic integrity, and
award of grades.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $937.00

International fee $5,125.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Mechanical Engineering .

All ENME207 Occurrences

  • ENME207-18S2 (C) Semester Two 2018