GEOL236-08S2 (C) Semester Two 2008

Earth Dynamics and Plate Tectonics

11 points

Start Date: Monday, 14 July 2008
End Date: Sunday, 16 November 2008
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 27 July 2008
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 12 October 2008


The aim of this course is to develop a fuller understanding of the nature of plate tectonics and continental break up, mantle convection and hot spots, and the deep structure of the Earth as determined from global geophysical observations.

The course introduces the large-scale geometry and processes of plate tectonics, including continental breakup. The principles of global geophysics covering seismology, paleomagnetism, geomagnetism, heat flow, including the influence of fluid flow and isostasy provide a broader overview of the nature of global processes, linked closely to modern day observation and plate tectonic theory. The links between igneous and metamorphic processes and plate tectonics are explored, and may include such topics as large igneous provinces (LIPs), hot spots, etc.

What the course entails:
Two lectures and one practical class per week.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students successfully completing this course should:
  • have developed a fuller understanding of the nature of plate tectonics, the structure of the Earth’s crust and interior and continental breakup;
  • have begun to develop an understanding of petrological structure and processes in a plate tectonic context;
  • develop an understanding of the basic principles of global geophysics in the fields of seismicity, magnetism, isostasy and heat flow, and their relationship to plate tectonics and the structure of the Earth’s interior.


GEOL111 and GEOL112 (GEOL113 or GEOL114 may be substituted for either of these provided a candidate has attained an overall B grade in GEOL 100 level courses, or
a standard which is acceptable to the HOD).

Timetable Note

Laboratories will be held in Room 221 on Level 2 of the Geological Sciences building.

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

David Nobes


Uwe Ring


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Laboratory assessment #1 30 Jul 2008 8%
Laboratory Assessment #2 13 Aug 2008 8%
Laboratory Assessment #3 10 Sep 2008 8%
Laboratory Assignment #4 24 Sep 2008 8%
Laboratory Assignment #5 08 Oct 2008 8%
Final Examination 60%

Textbooks / Resources

Recommended Reading

Fowler, C. M. R; The solid earth : an introduction to global geophysics ; 2nd ed; Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Course links

Library portal


Relationship of GEOL236 to Other Courses
GEOL111 Planet Earth and GEOL112 Understanding Earth History are prerequisites for GEOL236, or with the permission of the Head of Department, GEOL113 or GEOL 114 and either GEOL111 or GEOL112. GEOL236 is a prerequisite for GEOL334 Geodynamics and the Development of the NZ Region. It may be used in partial fulfilment of the prerequisites for GEOL351 and 352, GEOL337, and GEOL338.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $434.00

International fee $1,953.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Geological Sciences .

All GEOL236 Occurrences

  • GEOL236-08S2 (C) Semester Two 2008