GEOL242-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013

Rocks, Minerals and Ores

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 18 February 2013
End Date: Sunday, 23 June 2013
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 3 March 2013
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 19 May 2013


An introduction to mineralogy, igneous and metamorphic petrology, and related ore deposits, and their use in interpretation of geological environments. Students will be introduced to geologic processes sensitive to pressure, temperature and volatile availability, including magma crystallisation and gold mineralisation.

Goal of the Course
Prepare students for higher level igneous, metamorphic, and volcanological studies; advanced courses in economic and mining geology; and field geology classes.

The lectures provide a theoretical background to some of the practical work (such as optical mineralogy and rock classification), but also provide an introduction to important mineralogical and rock-forming processes. Students will be introduced to geologic processes sensitive to pressure, temperature and volatile availability, including magma crystallisation and gold mineralisation. The course will show clearly how rocks and minerals can used to interpret various geological environments.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students successfully completing this course will:
  • identify and describe common rock-forming and economically significant minerals, as well as igneous and metamorphic rocks, using both the microscope and hand specimens.
  • apply mineralogical properties and concepts, such as crystal structure and solid solution, to explain the composition and texture of rocks and mineral deposits in different crustal contexts.
  • apply the relevant concepts of chemistry and physics to explain mineralogic, igneous, metamorphic and ore forming processes using examples from New Zealand and the rest of the world.
  • be enthusiastic about field and laboratory-based mineralogy and petrology.
  • appreciate that skills practiced in mineralogy, petrology and ore geology will be useful in any future career (geological or otherwise).


GEOL111 and GEOL112. With a B+ average, or
a standard acceptable to the Head of Department, GEOL113 may be substituted for GEOL112.


GEOL232, GEOL238

Course Coordinator

For further information see Geological Sciences Head of Department


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
In class assignments/lab completion 10% In class assignments/lab completion
Laboratory assessment (Week 7) 25% Laboratory assessment (Week 7)
Laboratory assessment (Week 12) 25% Laboratory assessment (Week 12)
Final examination 40% Final examination

GEOL242, along with GEOL243 and GEOL244 are highly recommended preparation for the300 level field trip courses GEOL351 and 352

Textbooks / Resources

Optical Mineralogy by David Shelley (to be purchased from Geological Sciences, Room 101D)

Course links

Library portal

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

The course will provide an introduction to mineralogy, igneous and metamorphic petrology, and related ore deposits.  Basic principles of mineralogy and microscopy will be built upon to describe and interpret igneous, metamorphic, and economically important rocks and minerals. The practical work involves naming and describing hand samples of common minerals, rocks and ores. In addition each student will be allocated a microscope for the laboratory work, and selected samples will be additionally examined and described in thin section and/or polished mount using transmitted light microscopy.

The lectures provide a theoretical background to some of the practical work (such as optical mineralogy and rock classification), but also provide an introduction to important mineralogical and rock-forming processes. Students will be introduced to geologic processes sensitive to pressure, temperature and volatile availability, including magma crystallisation and gold mineralisation. The course will show clearly how rocks and minerals can used to interpret various geological environments.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $747.00

International fee $3,488.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

Minimum enrolments

This course will not be offered if fewer than 30 people apply to enrol.

For further information see Geological Sciences .

All GEOL242 Occurrences

  • GEOL242-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013