MGMT206-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013

Organisational Behaviour

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 18 February 2013
End Date: Sunday, 23 June 2013
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 3 March 2013
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 19 May 2013


This course provides an introduction to the study of individual and group behaviour in organisations. The course is taught in two parts. In the first part we examine individual-level topics such as personality differences; perception and learning in organisations; workplace emotions, theories of motivation; and stress management. We then move on to discuss team and organisational-level processes, including decision-making; group dynamics and teamwork; communication; power and conflict management; organisational structure and design; organisational culture; and organisational change.

Learning Outcomes

Understand organisational behaviour concepts and theories to analyse organisational issues.

Correctly apply conceptual frameworks from organisational behaviour research and practice to diagnose individual/group/organisational problems.

Appreciate how the human side of organisations is an essential complement to the technical aspects of business.


(1) MGMT100 or MGMT101; (2) An additional 15 points of 100-level MGMT or MSCI or MKTG or STAT


MGMT201, MGMT216, BSAD201

Equivalent Courses


Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Sarah Wright


Colleen Mills

Guest Lecturer

Alex MacKenzie

Dr Alex MacKenzie


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Test 30 May 2013 40% Test
Weekly Quizzes 30% Weekly Quizzes (each week from weeks 3-12)
Case Study Analysis 15 May 2013 30% Case Study Analysis

Assessment 1: Online quizzes
Date: Each week from weeks 3-12 of the course
Weighting: 3% each quiz, totalling 30%
Submission: Online via Learn

The quizzes aim to test your knowledge of the textbook material. The weekly online quiz will be based on that week’s textbook chapter/s (see lecture schedule) which will encourage you to keep up with the topics and readings each week.

The quiz will be accessible on Learn for one week only following each lecture (i.e. the quizzes will be available from 2pm on Wednesdays; see the schedule below). Each quiz represents 3% of the total assessment for MGMT206. While this may not sound like much I know of many students who have missed a pass or an ‘A’ grade by just a couple of marks. If you keep up with the readings each week you should have no problem answering the quizzes.

You are strongly encouraged to sit the quizzes on University computers. If there is a technical issue when you sit the quiz on a University computer (i.e. computer ‘freezes’), we can verify the issue. If you choose to sit the quiz on a non-University computer, you do so at your own risk. There will be no opportunity to re-sit or resubmit a missed quiz.

The weekly quizzes will be made up of multiple choice questions. The weekly quiz will have a time limit of 1 hour to complete. It is always best to read the chapter entirely before you attempt to start the quiz. Once you start the quiz you cannot stop and re-enter, so be prepared! Detailed instructions on how to complete the quizzes will be provided before you start each quiz.

IMPORTANT: Quiz Schedule
Quiz # Quiz Opening and Closing Times
1 Wednesday 6 March 2pm – Wednesday 13 March 12pm
2 Wednesday 13 March 2pm – Wednesday 20 March 12pm
3 Wednesday 20 March 2pm – Wednesday 27 March 12pm
4 Wednesday 27 March 2pm – Wednesday 3 April 12pm
5 Wednesday 24 April 2pm – Wednesday 1 May 12pm
6 Wednesday 1 May 2pm – Wednesday 8 May 12pm
7 Wednesday 8 May 2pm – Wednesday 15 May 12pm
8 Wednesday 15 May 2pm – Wednesday 22 May 12pm
9 Wednesday 22 May 2pm – Wednesday 29 May 12pm
10 Wednesday 29 May 2pm – Wednesday 5 June 12pm

Assessment 2:
This is a case study assignment is worth 30% of the final course mark. Students will be provided with a case study (on Learn) and required to analyse it using course theory.  Details will be given in lectures.

Assessment 3:
This is an online test covering the content of weeks 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 & 12, covering Chapters 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 15. The test will consist of eight short-answer questions worth 5 marks each. Model questions and answers will be on Learn. The test will open and close on Learn on May 30th.

Grading and Extensions:
The various pieces of assessment may be scaled to determine a final grade and 50% should not be regarded as a pass mark.

There will be NO EXTENSIONS given in this course. It is your responsibility to plan your course of study so that even in the event of unforeseen circumstances your assignment can be delivered by the due date.

The only valid excuse for a late or non-submission of an assignment is a family or medical emergency. You must have documented proof of the emergency and contact the Course Coordinator by email.

Please note that computer problems are not valid excuses for non-submission of the weekly quizzes. The only exception to this is when the problem occurred on a University of Canterbury computer and the issue can be verified by ICT services. Failure to plan is also not a legitimate reason.

For the weekly quizzes, you cannot resubmit your work. It is your responsibility to ensure you click ‘submit’ on the Learn webpage before the deadline so I receive your answers/responses. If you are having technical trouble submitting your answers, it is your responsibility to contact the Teaching Assistant BEFORE the submission time.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Wright, Sarah. et al; ORGB ; 1st Asia Pacific ed; Cengage Learning, 2011.


Departmental Academic Policies The Department assumes that you have read this document.

You should also read the General Course and Examination Regulations

Dishonest Practice
The University of Canterbury considers cheating and plagiarism to be serious acts of dishonesty.  All assessed work must be your own individual work unless specifically stated otherwise in the assessment guidelines. Material quoted from any other source must be clearly acknowledged. You must not copy the work of another person (student or published work) in any assessment including examinations, tests and assignments. Any person, who is found to have copied someone else's work, or to have allowed their work to be copied, will receive a fail grade for that piece of assessment and may face disciplinary action which may lead to a fine, community service or exclusion from the university.

IMPORTANT: Where there are concerns regarding the authorship of written course work, a student can be required to provide a formal, oral explanation of the content of their work.

Coversheets - Group and Individual

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $682.00

International fee $3,000.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Management, Marketing and Tourism .

All MGMT206 Occurrences

  • MGMT206-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013