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The course aims to enhance strategy knowledge and skills by encouraging the critical appreciation and application of contemporary strategy theory and techniques based around strategy processes and practices.
Relationship to other coursesThis is a specialist strategy course and is required for the Strategy and Entrepreneurship major. Other majors, including BCom Management and International Business, may take this as an elective subject. MGMT344 is recommended preparation for this course and is a good fit. MGMT345 also helps prepare students for MCom Masters and BCom Honours. Workload The estimated workload breakdown for MGMT345S1 is: Lectures 24Quizzes 11Final Exam 2Group Assignment 50 (per person)Exam Preparation 30Lecture Preparation 33Total 150 hours
Critique contemporary and emerging research in strategy paradigms, processes and practices. This will be assessed in the Final examination (BCom LO1.1.2 Students can critique concepts, models or reasoning from their selected subject major). Appreciate and apply theories and tools to analyse and develop organisational missions, visions and values. This will be evaluated in the Learn quizzes (BCom LO1.2.8 Students can apply management concepts to analyse and deal with key organisational and management issues).Determine the nature and role of creativity, time and change and how these may be used to further strategic objectives. This will be assessed in the Learn quizzes (BCom LO1.2.8 Students can apply management concepts to analyse and deal with key organisational and management issues).Design appropriate and effective strategy tools and workshops for organisations. This will be evaluated in the Group Applied Case Studies & Presentations (BCom LO2.1.1. Students can apply subject specific knowledge and tools to analyse, propose a solution to and/or address a given problem or issue. Innovative approaches and solutions are encouraged).Develop critical, written, practical strategic analysis and solutions to complex business cases. This will be assessed in the Group Applied Case Studies & Presentations (BCom LO2.1.4. Students can write a report/essay on a problem/issue/situation/scenario that: a. incorporates content at an appropriate level of detail; b. is logically structured; c. is presented professionally using correct English, referencing and appropriate resources).Judge the saliency of alternative ethical approaches to strategy choices. This will be tested in the Learn quizzes (LO5.1.2 Students can identify, consider and debate perspectives, processes and impacts relating to the culture and identity of multiple stakeholders, drawing on theory and practice when considering issues in their discipline or field of study).
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:
Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award
Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.
Employable, innovative and enterprising
Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.
Globally aware
Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.
(1) ACCT102; and (2) A further 45 points at 200-level or above RP: MGMT344
MGMT 320
All students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions, actively engage with course content, actively participate in all course activities, and complete all required tasks by the due dates. The lectures are also recorded and will be available through Echo. However, lecture attendance is highly recommended for a more active and engaging experience.Lectures for MGMT345S1 are recorded using the ECHO360 lecture recording system. However, this is not an online-only course: Students are expected to attend all lectures and to be fully engaged with the course.
David Stiles
Whittington, Richard; Exploring strategy : text and cases ; Twelfth Edition; Pearson, 2020.
For unlimited access, the best option is to buy the eBook, currently priced at $69.29 and available from the publisher at: are a few paper copies in the library High Demand collection and limited library access to the eBook at there is likely to be strong demand for these from other students and availability is restricted. There is also a print edition available from the publisher/University Bookshop, but this is $131.99, so this option is unlikely to appeal to many. See not use previous editions, since much of the material will be out-of-date. Other material will be posted on the course Learn website.
Domestic fee $868.00
International fee $4,075.00
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see Management, Marketing and Tourism .