MGMT390-25A (C) Any Time Start 2025

Management Intern Consulting Project

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 6 January 2025
End Date: Sunday, 4 January 2026
Withdrawal Dates
The withdrawal dates for this course (both with and without fee refund) will be confirmed once a) the course start date and b) course length is confirmed. Students are advised to consult the department for further information.


An Intern Consulting Project involves a student working in a professional capacity to address specific business issue for a host-organisation. The project applies the technical content of a management-related discipline to a real-world business question. The student manages the project, and experiences working in a business environment. As these are management placements, priority is given to students taking a major in either Human Resource Management, International Business, Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, or Strategy and Entrepreneurship.


(1) 60 points at 200-level or above in MGMT; and (2) Subject to Head of Department Approval


ARTS 395, ECON390, FINC390, MKTG390, ACCT 364, INFO390, PACE395


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Proposal (1000-1500 words) 10% Due at the commencement of the Project
Journal work (weekly) 20% Journal work (weekly)
Final Presentation & Project Outputs 40% Due end of exams at end of semester (or earlier)
Report 30% Due end of exams at end of semester (or earlier)

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $893.00

International fee $4,200.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Management, Marketing and Tourism .

All MGMT390 Occurrences

  • MGMT390-25A (C) Any Time Start 2025